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威斯康辛州 公司章程

    Section 1. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Coproration shall be held at the office of the coporation in the state of Wisconsin on the       Day of   at each and every year, beginning in 2012, or at such other places and times as the directors shall from time to time dtermine. The purpose of this meeting shall be for the election of directors and such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Notice of the time, place and object of such meeting shall be giben by publication thereof by serving personally or by mailing at least ten days prior to such meeting, postage prepaid, a copy of such notice, addressed to each stockholder at his residence or place of business as the same shall appear on the books of the coproration. No bisiness other than that stated in such notice shall be transacted at such meeting without the unanimous consent of all the stockholders thereat, in person or by proxy.

     第一条 自2012年起,本公司股东年会应该每年   月  日在威斯康辛州公司办公地召开,会议时间和地点也可根据董事们的临时决定更改。这样的大会目的应该是董事选举或可能在上述会议前发生的事务。关于该会议的时间、地点和目的应在该会议前至少十天以前亲自送达或预付邮资邮寄发出通知, 发送给每个股东的其居住地或办公地点并记录在册。 除非该通知中所述之外,如果全体股东不能达成一致意见, 任何人或其代表不得办理或执行所涉事务。
    Special Meetings
    Section2. Special meetings of stockholders, other than those regulated by statute, may be called at any time by the president or by a majority of the directors. It shall also be the duty of the president to call such meetings whenever requested to do so by the holder of the majority share of the capital stock of the corporation. A notice of every meeting stating the time and place and object thereof shall be given by mailing, postage prepaid, at least ten days before such meeting, a copy of such notice addressed to each stockholder at his post office as the same appears on the books of the corporation.
     第二条 除了法令规定外,股东特别会议可随时由总裁或多数董事召集。 当占公司股本大部分股份持有人要求时总裁有责任召集会议。 每次会议的通知,注明其时间、地点和目的,须至少在会议前十天以邮资预付邮寄给每位股东,并记录在册。

      详细报价,请直接来电咨询:0515-88016035  13056156686(签订长期合同价格更优惠)


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